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Gyurcsány és Metallica...

2010.11.24. 15:30 Lone Wolf

Nem t'om miért, de erről a pancserről, mindig ez a szám jut az eszembe...

"Wish I may
Wish I might
Have this I wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold
Dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified? 
All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around 
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbling
And you're left with just name
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown? 
Hot and cold
Bought and Sold
A heart as hard as gold
Yeah! Are you satisfied? 
Wish I might
Wish I may
You wish your life away
Are you pacified? 
All the wants you've waste
All the things you've chased 
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around 
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a thing
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Oh, where's your crown? 
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want that star
I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how 
Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish
You may regret it
Careful what you wish
You just might get it 
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around 
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
No you're just nothing
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
No you're just nothing
absolutely nothing
Off to never never land"


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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

guma 2010.11.24. 16:13:33

Szia! Van benne valami...

De nekem politikus zenére még véletlenül sem jut eszembe... DDDDDDDD
Ez a vonal nálam teljesen kimaradt!
süti beállítások módosítása