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Kreatív gyerekszoba ötletek

2015.01.27. 08:04 guma


kid-rooms “The Under The Sea” I think girls won’t stay here because  of the shark.

kid-rooms1 “The Playground” It’s cool to be sliding out of bed after waking up

kid-rooms2 “The Fishing” Kids who love fishing will surely love this.

kid-rooms3 “The Barn” This will make you feel relax while taking care of the baby.

kid-rooms4 “The Jungle” I think Tarzan will totally scream if he has this for his kid.

kid-rooms5 “The Retro” The parents of this kid’s room wants to remember the life back then.

kid-rooms9 “The Cool And Comfy” This room is what people who wants to unwind really look for.

kid-rooms6 “The Fortress” Big tough boys (not bully) will enjoy this room.

kid-rooms8 “The Happy Room” It’s so comfortably relaxing room.

kid-rooms10 “The Bookworm” Toddlers will surely learn and sleep well with all the bed-time story books.

 kid-rooms11 “The Hanging Bridge” It’s cool to have your own hanging bridge inside your room. 

kid-rooms12 “The Bamboo Tree-house” Amazing! A Bamboo tree house bedroom.

kid-rooms13 “The Rainbow” Kids that loves colors will go crazy over this room.

kid-rooms14 “The Storage” This room will teach children to clean up their toys after playing

kid-rooms15 “The Bunk Bed With Purpose” What an Epic Bunk Bed!

kid-rooms16 “The Girly” Obviously not for boys!

kid-rooms17 “The Sport” Boys who loves sport won’t have any problems practicing in this room.

kid-rooms18 “The Open” This room have a lot of space for any activities.

kid-rooms19 “The Park” Kids won’t really miss going outside.

kid-rooms20 “The Multipurpose” This bedroom knows how to maximize the room.

kid-rooms21 “The Aladdin” Not a really a fan of the Aladdin movie. Lol!

kid-rooms22 “The Perfect” I don’t think I would mess anything in this room.

kid-rooms23 “The Space” Maybe the kid staying in this room will be an astronaut someday.

kid-rooms24 “The Hideout” It’s perfect for having a secret meeting.

kid-rooms25 “The Wall” This is obviously for kids who loves climbing.

kid-rooms26 “The Ocean Adventure” The aquarium like bed is amazing.

kid-rooms27 “The Arabic” Perfect for your little princess.

kid-rooms28 “The Classic” No words to say just…sigh!

kid-rooms30 “The Basic With Style” Simply adorable specially the “swing”.

kid-rooms29 “The Only Boys Club” I think they should change the sign to “No Heavy Boys Allowed”. Because the hanging bridge won’t last long. Lol!


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