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GIUSEPPE ARMANI (1935-2006) munkái: A porcelán hölgyek

2014.02.14. 08:05 guma

Giuseppe  Armani figurines - Giuseppe Armani, master sculptor of Florence Studio made these figurines. Every Giuseppe Armani figure is individually crafted and painted by hand at his artisan’s workshop the Florence Sculpture d'Arte in Tuscany.Giuseppe Armani figurines trademark - Each Armani figurines bears this trademark found at the bottom of the figures. Other figurines are personally signed by Giuseppe Armani.

Armani Figurine of the year - The picture above is chosen as the figurine of the year (2009). By 2010, this “Sunrise” Armani figure will be retired.Armani collectors society - The picture above shows one of the figurines exclusively made for members of Giuseppe Armani Society.

G ARMANI MAGIC FLUTE 1449C #98/3000G ARMANI 2003 PLAYFUL BREEZE 1654CLot 227Lot 21563lady Disney mesék alakjit is porcelánba álmodta az olasz mester.

See Armani  A Lady At All Times  Fgurine Collection...Giuseppe Armani - Gypsy Queen - 1453CGiuseppe Armani Flora Giuseppe Armani Original Figurines, florence sculpturesGiuseppe Armani is recognized for his glass art talent and the anatomical precision of his glass figurines.Giuseppe Armani created unique and highly sought after glass figurines.

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